Tax Penalties: Removing the Failure to Pay Penalty

Have you received an IRS notice of Failure to Pay? Last week, we discussed the IRS penalties and consequences of Failure to Pay, which is when a taxpayer fails to either meet a tax filing deadline, or make a tax payment by its due date. The consequences for Failure to File include 5% per month of the taxes due according to a tax return that the IRS has prepared in your place, with the maximum penalty being 25% of the owed amount. For outstanding taxes, the monthly IRS Failure to Pay Penalty can be 0.25%–1.0% of the amount due, with the average being a 0.5% IRS penalty.  These penalties can accumulate over time and become a large financial burden.

So, how can you remove the IRS Failure to Pay Penalty and reach a tax settlement? The IRS realizes that not every situation is black and white. They understand that a taxpayer’s full compliance is not always possible. Here are a few steps that may be helpful.

Reasonable cause If there is a legitimate reason for your failure to pay, the IRS may opt to remove your penalties. About a third of all IRS penalties are later removed. Reasonable causes include: the death of a family member or close friend, unavoidable absence (including hospitalization, prison, rehab, etc.), destruction of the location where the taxpayer’s records are held (by fire, flood, etc.), inability to pay due to material impairment by civil disturbances (such as divorce), bad or incorrect advice from a tax professional or directly from the IRS, and errors made while acting with “ordinary business care and prudence.” Whatever your reason, be prepared to answer questions about your situation and have the necessary applicable documentation to back it up.

Penalty abatement If you do have a reasonable cause, you may apply for penalty abatement. This is a formal dispute of the penalties and interest from failure to pay. Penalty abatement can also apply when you have an administrative waiver, or if IRS made a mistake. If you have a reasonable explanation for your situation and failure to pay, your penalties and interest could be completely removed and a refund could be claimed. Penalty abatements can be filed through sending a letter to the IRS or completing a Request for Abatement and Refund form.

IRS Fresh Start Program If you were unemployed for 30 consecutive days in 2011, or in 2012 prior to April 17th, you may be eligible for the Fresh Start Program. This IRS initiative gives taxpayers 6 months to pay their taxes without incurring failure to pay penalties, as long as the tax liabilities are paid in full by October 15th, 2012. The Fresh Start Program also applies self-employed individuals with a 25% or more drop in income during 2011. To qualify, the adjusted gross income (AGI) of a single filer must be less than $100,000, and joint filers less than $200,000. There is an application form for the Fresh Start Program on the IRS website.

If you have received an IRS Failure to Pay notice, our tax specialists can help you determine if the assessed tax penalty is accurate. Then, they can work with you on a payment plan, or determine if there was a reasonable cause that could apply to penalty abatement. For more information about our tax debt resolution services, visit us today at Contact us by phone at (877)-889-6527 or by email at to receive a free, no obligation consultation. 

3 Ways to Start Eliminating Your Tax Debt

If you have a large IRS tax debt, the amount you owe can be daunting. To avoid being charged additional fees and making the debt larger, it is important to act and begin the tax settlement process quickly. Even if you cannot pay it off all at once, there are options you can pursue to eliminate your tax debt. Here are three methods that can help you to settle or eliminate your tax debts.

Offer in Compromise It is possible to reach a tax settlement with the IRS that is less than the full amount you owe. This plan is called an Offer in Compromise. Although filing an Offer in Compromise can be time consuming and complicated because the qualifications are very specific, this is a powerful option because it allows for the resolution of all your outstanding tax balances at the same time, plus the suspension of collection activities while your offer is being considered.

Installment Agreements An Installment Agreement is a payment plan that is negotiated with the IRS or a State Tax Agency. Instead of paying one lump sum, the taxpayer agrees to pay a tax debt over a specified period of time. The terms of an agreement will be contingent on the tax liability amount and the taxpayer’s current and projected financial status (income and assets).

Uncollectible Status If you do not have sufficient income or assets to pay your tax debt, you may be eligible for the temporary designation of Uncollectible. If you have been granted this status, all collection activity stops until your situation is reevaluated, and the IRS determines that you have the ability to pay your debt. This can give you more time to work on paying off your debt without accruing additional fees and penalties.

Since the IRS prefers to receive the full amount of tax debt that you owe, they may not give you the best advice when you are seeking to use one of the tax debt elimination options above. A licensed tax professional can negotiate with the IRS on your behalf and help you to get reach the best possible tax settlement based on your situation.

If you need help with an outstanding tax debt, our experienced tax settlement professionals can help. We can also work with you if you need help filing your taxes. Please visit for more information on our tax resolution services. You may also call us at (877) 889-6527 or email to receive a free, no obligation consultation.

Amending Prior Returns Can Lower Your Taxes

The first step in resolving an outstanding tax liability should be to verify that the amount of the tax debt being reported by the IRS or State Tax Agency is correct. Because tax law is so complex, important tax deductions or tax credits are often missed when returns are completed by individuals who lack the professional knowledge and experience to determine which ones apply. Often a missed deduction, a missed tax credit, a change in filing status or an overlooked income adjustment will result in a tax amount owed that is greater than it would have been if the item had been claimed on the return. That being the case, the filing of an amended return is sometimes the simplest and most cost effective way to substantially reduce an outstanding tax liability. By law, a return can be amended within three years from the date of the original return or within two years from the date a tax was paid, whichever is later.

Some of the more common reasons for filing an amended return are outlined below:

  • Errors and omissions It is not uncommon for a tax return to be filed with calculation errors or omissions of data and/or required documentation. Although the IRS will normally correct simple math errors and will often request a missing form or schedule, this type of mistake can also be corrected by taxpayer through the use of an amended return.
  • Introduction of new information A return that is submitted to meet a filing deadline can be amended later if further examination of events and records of the previous year indicate that there would be a tax advantage to claiming different deductions or additional deductions.
  • Change in filing status If a return has been submitted but the filing deadline for the return has not passed, it is possible to use an amended return to switch the filing status from married filing jointly to married filing separately or vice versa. Amended returns are also used to undo joint filing status when there has been the annulment of a marriage.
  • Change in tax elections Tax returns allow for many elections whereby the taxpayer chooses how he or she wishes to be treated by the Internal Revenue Service for tax purposes. These elections include such things as treatment of foreign income, residency status, and income tax withholding, just to name a few of the many elections available. In certain instances, these elections can be changed through the use of an amended return when the introduction of new information indicates that there would be a tax advantage in doing so.
  • Carry back of losses Amended returns can be used to apply property losses from the current tax year to the previous year’s tax return. They are also commonly used by businesses to carry net operating losses back to the previous two tax years.

If you have an outstanding tax liability, our experienced tax resolution specialists can help you resolve it. The first step in this process will be to carefully examine previously filed returns and to file amended returns when necessary. This process can often result in a significant reduction in the tax amount owed by identifying available tax benefits that have not been utilized. For more information about our tax debt resolution and tax settlement services, visit us today at Contact us by email at or by phone at (877)-889-6527 to receive a free, no obligation consultation. 

Late Tax Return? What Happens Next

It’s the day after taxes were due, April 18th, 2012. What do you do if you still haven’t filed your tax return?

The IRS has some guidelines for what happens with returns that are past due. If the IRS doesn’t hear from you and you don’t file a return:

  • The IRS will increase your taxes as they assess penalties and interest.
  • A substitute return will be filed for you from the IRS, based only on information they have from sources other than you. Therefore, you would not get any additional exemptions or deductions you could be entitled to and your tax liability could be overstated.
  • After the IRS assesses your taxes, the IRS will begin the collection process. They could place a levy, which is legal seizure of property to pay tax debt, on your wages or bank accounts. They could also file a federal tax lien, which is a claim used as security for a tax debt, against property you own.

While the IRS may have already filed a substitute return, you should still prepare and file your own return because the IRS can adjust your account for correctness. You can then take advantage of the allowed exemptions, credits, and deductions. To make sure your tax settlement makes the most of your deductions, it can be smart to consult a professional tax resolution specialist.

If you need help because you didn’t make the tax filing deadline or have an unresolved tax liability, our experienced tax resolution professionals can provide the tax settlement and tax preparation help you need. For more information about our tax preparation and tax settlement services, visit us today at Our staff has the knowledge and experience to help you file your late taxes in a timely manner.  Contact us today at (877) 596-4143 or to receive a free, no obligation consultation. 

IRS Collection Financial Standards

Are you delinquent on your taxes and can’t afford to pay your tax debt? The IRS released updated Collection Financial Standards on April 2, 2012, to help with calculating delinquent tax repayment of federal taxes. These standards help to define a taxpayer’s ability to pay a tax liability.

Standards include the following four categories of allowable living expenses:

Food, clothing, and other items Food, apparel and services, housekeeping supplies, personal care products and services, and miscellaneous (either living expenses that are not included in the former categories, or expenses in the former categories that exceed the standards)

Out-of-pocket health care expenses In addition to what is paid for health insurance, this includes medical services, prescription drugs, and medical supplies (such as vision care items like glasses and contacts)

Housing and utilities Rent or mortgage, property taxes, insurance, interest, and utilities such as gas, electric, water, garbage collection, landline and cellular phone, internet, and cable; calculated as a local standard according county US Census, American Community Survey, and BLS data, also takes into account how many persons are in the household

Transportation Monthly loan or lease payments as well as operating costs including maintenance, repairs, insurance, fuel, registration, licenses, inspections, parking, and tolls; public transportation alone or in combination with vehicle ownership; calculated as a local standard

The six-year rule for repayment of tax liability allows for payment of living expenses exceeding the Collection Financial Standards and other expenses like minimum payments on student loans and credit cards, as long as the liability can be paid in full within six years. This includes paying off the penalties and interest.

If you need help with delinquent taxes or have an unresolved tax liability, our tax resolution professionals can provide the tax settlement help you need. Visit for more information about our tax settlement services. Our staff has the experience and expertise necessary to know which tax settlement option will most effectively resolve your specific back tax issues.  Contact us today at (877) 596-4143 or to receive a free, no obligation consultation.